Friday, September 16, 2011

Its High Noon time!

Spring is here and there are musicians and artists popping out of the ground in brilliant colours,
bursting from the trees in amazing forms and wafting through the air with tantilising perfumes!

Tomorrow is High Noon festival in High St Northcote and we will be in the heart of it.

Our exhibition Art=Music=Art will be open showing the beautiful and varied artwork of many artists, poets and musicians including the work of Pol McMahon, Grant Alexander McCracken, Tracey Roberts and the paintings of Aria Award winning musician Kavisha Mazzella, this is what she says about her paintings. (unfortunately blogger is glitching and wont upload any image files! I'll try again later)

"Our Ancestors (La Nostra Antenati) are a series of paintings I have been doing over the last 2 years that express my love for the Italian Migrants that came to Australia.

Amongst all those who came were my family who came out on boats in the 60's to Western Australia. These paintings are a tribute to those musicians who migrated after WW2 and bought their strange and wonderful music with them. They played in restaurants, circuses and weddings making "Allegria" for the guests often while they themselves were suffering loneliness and nostalgia of being caught between two worlds. They were often orchestral musicians who played in theatres and operas companies of Italy but in Australia they were relegated to the bottom of the ladder unless of course they had connections. Often they had two night - musician and by day, the job that made the money- road worker."

Hope to see you tomorrow!


  1. hey what was the name of the rad punk band that played at around 4pm on sunday? they were great but i missed their name. i might be wrong about the time but they were a fast loud punk rock band, reminded me of the veebees.
    hope you can help

  2. This was the awesome line-up, glad you liked it!

    I think the band you heard was the Morrisons.

    11:30 - 12:00 Lee Daniel (solo acoustic)
    12:45 - 1:30 Jimmy Hawke (rag-tag low-fi traveling gypsies that play
    rock n roll)
    2:00 - 2:45 Patrick Boyle (acoustic?)
    3:15 - 3:45 Constant Killer (Garage Pop)
    4:00 - 4:30 The Morrisons (70s Punk)

    Hope you are recovering well from all the fun.
